A Guide to Mobile App Development Costs

Ivy Robinson
4 min readOct 5, 2021
Photo by Clayton Robbins on Unsplash

If you’re an entrepreneur, the chances are that you have a brilliant idea for a mobile app. The problem is that it can be difficult to know how much it will cost to develop your app. The cost of developing a mobile app can vary wildly depending on the type of project, features or functionality that are desired, and many other factors.

That said, here is an overview of the major expenses to consider when planning your budget for a mobile app development project. Fortunately, this article will help you understand what factors affect development costs and provide some tips on reducing these costs without cutting corners.

The first thing to consider when estimating development costs is whether or not the app requires design input from a graphic designer — if so, add about $2-$3 per hour of design time (in addition to the developer’s hourly rate). If you don’t require any graphical work but need assistance with branding or marketing materials such as logos and slogans, factor in around $5-$10 per hour of work required. You should also factor in any costs of software and / or external services such as hosting, email marketing and analytics packages.

It’s also important to consider the complexity of your app idea when estimating development costs. You can view this on a scale from “very simple” (around $1000-$2500) to “complex” ($5000+). If you’re looking for a very simple mobile app that’s just going to list information, then you can expect development costs of around $1000-$2500. However, if your idea is more complex and requires a lot of features such as in-app purchases or social media integration, it will cost more — up to about $5000+ per application.

In order to keep your development costs down, you’ll need to find a developer who can work quickly and efficiently. This will save both of you time which means less money overall. You should also look for someone with experience in mobile app design — this will ensure that he or she has the skills required to create an attractive user interface (UI) as well as a functional one. You can find the perfect developer by posting a job on CodementorX .

The advantages of building an app for your company or business

Apps are the gateway to your customers. This is because you can provide them with information, updates, and notifications in real time. Mobile users are accustomed to using apps for their day-to-day activities. It is the most convenient way for them to access what they need when they need it.

Additionally, an app can help you build loyalty among your customers. Every time you send out a notification reminding them of the last service they received from your business, this will remind them that they should be loyal to you in return.

You also have the advantages of reaching more people than ever before. By publishing content on your app that corresponds with other content on your website or blog, you can reach your audience in multiple formats. This multi-platform approach will help you engage with people who are searching for what you have to offer.

The disadvantages of building an app for your company or business

Unfortunately, it is not easy to build a mobile app that has the functionality needed by every single person using one. Many apps fail because they are simply not user friendly.

When creating an app, you need to consider whether or not your target market is going to be able to use it effectively and efficiently on a daily basis. If so many people cannot do this, then the cost of building and maintaining such an app will outweigh its benefits over time.

Additionally, if you do not keep up with the latest trends and technology, your mobile app will likely become dated. You need to make sure that you are constantly working on updating it so that people who download it again in the future do not feel like they have wasted their time.

Lastly, you should know that if your business fails for any reason then an app will not be able to save it. If your business is struggling, then people will stop using the app and any other services that you provide as well. In this situation, an app would just be a waste of time and money for both parties involved because there will no longer be enough customers to support it .


Apps are the gateway to your customers. This is because you can provide them with information, updates, and notifications in real time. Mobile users are accustomed to using apps for their day-to-day activities. It is the most convenient way for them to access what they need when they need it. Additionally, an app can help you build loyalty among your customers by reminding them of the last service they received from your business through a notification on their phone or tablet.

The disadvantages include that if an app does not have enough features or functionality then people will stop downloading it over time- which could end up costing more than its worth in development costs down the line since mobile technology changes so quickly. If this sounds like something that would benefit your company’s digital marketing strategy, then you should check out CodementorX to find a developer who can help you create an app that is not only attractive but also functional.



Ivy Robinson

Ivy D. Robinson is a 32-year-old attorney who enjoys https://www.inspirevisual.com, praying & Underwater cycling. She is Considerate and Patriotic.